The Danish Timber Trade Federation represents the interests of the leading timber importing companies in Denmark.
The purpose of the federation is to undertake its members’ collective interests, including joint action in negotiations with a.o. authorities and with foreign and domestic organizations.
Members are timber importers, agents and timber traders. The federation gathers Danish as well as foreign companies with significant imports of timber into Denmark from all origins.
The federation currently represents 37 members – see all members here.
A membership of the Danish Timber Trade Federation is your access to a large professional network – nationally and internationally.
Similarly, the federation act as framework for colleagues and competitors to meet and exchange views and formulate common positions.
Timber is our members’ business and livelihood and, with them, we have a commercial interest in ensuring the long-term future of world’s forests through sustainable management. Underlining our commitment in this area, our members follow a Code of Conduct undertaking to source only legal and preferably sustainable timber.
Danish Timber Trade Federation maintains an ongoing dialogue with the authorities and organisations involved in defining the framework for national and international timber trade.
In recent years our focus areas have been:
Danish Timber Trade Federation is also ready at short notice to act on both individual and collective threats and problems in relation to imports of wood and wood-based products regardless of origin.
As an organisation and industry, we believe that wood has a great story to tell in the modern marketplace. It is the world’s most environmentally friendly and renewable raw material. By also acting as secretariat for the Danish Wood Initiative – – we aim to get that message out to potential customers and the wider market, working every day to raise awareness of timber’s potential and to grow its use.
Our membership of the European Timber Trade Federation is also of great importance to us. ETTF plays an important role in ensuring a level playing field across EU member states for timber businesses and also raise the level of awareness of the EU Timber Regulation, which aims to block trade in illegal wood. And being part of a greater, well-founded international network is set to become even more important in a time of increasing globalisation.
Working together we can ensure that wood is the material that will build the future.
The Danish Timber Trade Federation has a long tradition of representing the interests of the leading wood importing companies in Denmark. In fact, the organisation dates back to 1893.
The current structure was formed in 1991 where “Dansk Træhandlerforening” and “Foreningen Danske Trælastimportører” merged under “Dansk Træforening”. In English the “Danish Timber Trade Federation”.
Egebækvej 98
2850 Nærum
Director Jakob Rygg Klaumann
Our office is located in Nærum, just north of Copenhagen, see map.
Phone: +45 4587 5400
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